Maintenance of industrial machinery, facilities and installations is one of the main and oldest services offered by our company. From the very outset of our business, we have performed this type of service for a number of companies, from FAE Apena SA - the company from which we originate – to GEPC, Fiat PowerTrain and ABB.
At present, many factors contribute to the high level of service we provide. The most important of these is a specialised and permanent cadre of professionals with many years of experience. The experience of our specialists is aided by modern equipment, and the methodology and development of our services follows global trends and requirements.
Based on an analysis of the criticality, breakdown and outage history of the machinery stock operated by us, we optimise our activities in order to obtain the desired result. We primarily focus on prevention and prediction, but where it is justified, we also take a reactive approach.
The regularly updated knowledge base is supplemented with analysis of the results of technical inspections, TPM, thermal imaging and ultrasound tests, vibro-acoustics, and analysis of the chemical composition and amount of impurities in the oil. This proactive approach allows us to achieve maximum savings while limiting machine outages at the same time.
As part of our comprehensive service, we also offer:
- a comprehensive lubricant service with permanent or temporary oil filtration,
- safety audits,
- adapting machinery to meet legal requirements,
- relocations,
- support in the improvement of production processes,
- maintenance and service of equipment subject to the Polish Office of Technical Inspection (UDT)
- running a spare parts warehouse,
- overseeing documentation,
- other activities resulting from the client's individual needs.
The quality of our service is based first and foremost on good, diligent performance of work, a comprehensive service, and good cooperation with the client in order to achieve maximum reliability of the machinery and high OEE.
Our projects around the world
CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility
The idea of CSR translates into promoting positive and ethical business activities, forming positive relationships with partners, and also caring for the environment, which for us includes: our vocational training policy, charities such as The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity [WOŚP] and Noble Gift [Szlachetna Paczka], as well as supporting local initiatives.